Applications for Kinder BRIDGE August 2025-26 Avaialble 3/31/2025

KB Applications for 2025-26 Available 3/31/2025

If you have a child who turned four years of age (4) on or before August 31, 2025, is not currently enrolled in a preschool, and is planning to enroll in Kindergarten August 2026, please complete an application to be considered for our new KB classroom.


Applications will be available to download and paper copies will also be available at all elementary schools . Entry to program is based on the application process who have been deemed by the district through the screening process in need of additional preparation to be successful in Kindergarten . You will be notified regarding a screening date and time and after the process is complete, applicants will be notified if their child qualifies for entry into the Kinder Bridge program.



East Valley School District Kinder BRIDGE: 

 A Transitional Kindergarten Program 

Classes Start August 26, 2025

The East Valley School District’s early learning goal for our incoming kindergarten students is to be ready for the rigorous academic standards and social skills necessary for success in our PreK-12 schools. 


What is Kinder BRIDGE? 

Kinder BRIDGE program is a free, full day transitional kindergarten opportunity for children who turned 4 by August 31st, who do not have access to high-quality early learning experiences and have been deemed by the district through an assessment process in need of additional preparation to be successful in Kindergarten the next year. The class will focus on basic kindergarten readiness standards and social/ emotional skills to be “kindergarten ready” with priority for placement into Kinder Bridge being based on the student’s qualifying needs per the application and assessment process.

Who is eligible for Kinder BRIDGE screening?

The Kinder BRIDGE program is available through the application process for qualifying children who are scheduled to enter kindergarten in the fall of 2026. 

Applicants must:

* Have turned 4 yrs. old on or before August 31, 2025

* Be planning to enter kindergarten August 2026

* Not be currently enrolled in an early learning program

* Be fully toilet trained


OSPI guidelines: Transitional Kindergarten programs work in collaboration with and do not adversely impact enrollment in community-based preschool programs, including Head Start, ECEAP (the Early Childhood Education Assistance Program), tribally-led early learning programs and those operating in licensed child care centers and licensed family homes.

* Live within the boundaries of the East Valley School District #90

* Demonstrate an academic and/or social emotional need


After completing the 3 page application, eligible students will be scheduled to participate in a screener where we will get to know your child’s developmental strengths and needs through drawing, counting, reading, recognizing numbers, letters, colors, playing and conversation. Entry into program is not guaranteed, applicants will be rank ordered for priority placement in the Kinder Bridge program per the screening process indicating the need for intervention services to be kinder ready for Fall 2026. Students must be fully toilet trained.

You will be notified after all information is gathered if your child has been identified for entry to the Kinder BRIDGE program.


How do I apply for the Kinder BRIDGE program? 

The 3 page application will be available to download on 3/31/20205 or at your local elementary

Please return the application to:

EVSD Admin Office, home school office, or email to [email protected]


If you are interested in applying for the EV Kinder BRIDGE Program, the application is available at the right of the page to download or paper applications are available at our district office or your local elementary school office.


Thank you for your support in considering this early learning opportunity for your child

If you have further questions, please contact:

Jeri Young

Director of Special Programs

408 E. Seattle Ave

Moxee, WA


y[email protected]



Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction -Olympia, Wa.

Pillars of Transitional Kindergarten

Transitional Kindergarten is a kindergarten program for children not yet age five who do not have access to high-quality early learning experiences prior to kindergarten and
have been deemed by a school district, through a screening process and/or other instrument(s), to be in need of additional preparation to be successful in kindergarten the following year.

The following “pillars” describe required elements of Transitional Kindergarten.

Pillar I: Transitional Kindergarten programs meet the requirements of full-day
kindergarten established in RCW 28A.150.315, including administration of the WaKIDS whole-child assessment, within the first ten weeks.

Pillar II: Classrooms are staffed by certificated teachers and para educators who provide a curriculum that offers a rich, varied set of experiences in learning environments that are developmentally appropriate and address the whole child. It is recommended that teachers have Early Childhood and/or Early Childhood Special Education Endorsements.

Pillar III: Transitional Kindergarten programs are inclusive, socioeconomically diverse and responsive to the needs of children who qualify for participation.

Pillar IV: Programs must be fully integrated into school buildings, with access to transportation, specialists, recess, lunch in the school cafeteria and all aspects of the school day available to regular kindergarten students. Attention much be given to the developmental capabilities and needs specific to young children in these settings.

Pillar V: Transitional Kindergarten programs work in collaboration with and do not adversely impact enrollment in community-based preschool programs, including Head Start, ECEAP (the Early Childhood Education Assistance Program), tribally-led early learning programs and those operating in licensed child care centers and licensed family homes. Districts participate in coordinated outreach, referral and placement to assure best fit and appropriateness of services based on each child and family’s need.


Kinder BRIDGE was featured in a story by KIMA this spring! Click here to learn more and watch the video!
Applications for Kinder Bridge 2025-26 Available 3/31/2025