About Us » Welcome to East Valley School District

Welcome to East Valley School District

The East Valley School District serves more than 3,300 students in grades P-12. The District strives to eliminate learning gaps and help all students grow to their fullest academic and social abilities.
Our Mission:
"To empower and inspire all in the pursuit of excellence."
Our Vision:
To create, through partnerships, innovative, challenging and safe experiences for all to succeed.
Our Beliefs:
We believe:
  • Graduation Matters - student learning and academic achievement are our highest priorities.
  • Diversity is a strength - every individual has worth and value and is treated with respect.
  • All students have the capacity to learn, excel in our schools and become lifelong learners who contribute to a global society.
  • High expectations and accountability promote success.
  • Best instructional practices, used every day, in every classroom, with every child guarantees continuous student learning.
  • Learning is a collaborative process, which is strengthened by the collective wisdom of our students, parents, educators and community members.
  • Professional development is an on-going process contributing to staff and student growth.
  • Students deserve a nurturing environment that is physically, emotionally and intellectually safe.
Vision of Our Student Experience:
At East Valley School District...
WE learn skills necessary for future success.
WE work hard and don't give up.
WE accomplish our hopes, goals, and dreams.
WE engage with others in a way that makes us feel like we belong.
WE accept one another for who we are.