1:1 Technology Update

The deployment of Chromebook carts to our classrooms serving students in grades 1-5 at all three of our elementary schools, and the issuance of computers to our students attending East Valley Central and East Valley High School in grades 6-12, signals that we are well on our way of ensuring our initial goal of 1:1 technology district-wide is met by winter break. We are excited for the opportunity that this initiative provides for our students and staff members to be immersed in a blended learning environment.

In preparation for the launch of our 1:1 Technology Initiative, a Technology Fair was provided for all teachers in the District. This summer professional development event offered nearly 70 teachers the opportunity to learn about Chromebook features and compatible tools that can be used to enhance learning opportunities in their classrooms.

We invite families to engage in the 1:1 Technology experience using our Securely filter which works to protect our students while they work on internet browsers, websites and with webmail. Families can use Securely to access their child’s individualized activity report and by adjusting the computer and internet settings available on their students’ device to align with their preferences. For more information about how to use Securely features or for other 1:1 Technology information and resources, we invite you to scan the QR code below or visit our website at
